El gas representará entre 20% y 30% de la combinación energética de Camerún - SNH


Fuente: Energy Mix Report 


How can the National Hydrocarbons Company (SNH) participate in the diversification of Cameroon’s energy mix? This question is put to Adolphe Moudiki, Director-General Director (ADG) of the SNH, in the recent internal publication (SNH Infos) of this company.

Mr. Moudiki responds: “  Since 2012, the SNH has demonstrated that gas can significantly contribute to the development of the electricity sector in Cameroon by ensuring a continuous supply of the 216 MW natural gas plant built in the coastal city. of Kribi, the first of Cameroon. The gas could represent between 20% and 30% of the energy mix at the national level  “.

Still according to the ADG, SNH remains faithful to its ambition to contribute to the diversification of the country’s electricity supply sources. This explains some projects already under consideration, such as those for the installation of a 300 MW gas plant in Limbe and the conversion to gas of several diesel or oil-fired power plants.

As of July 2019, according to Eneo data, gas accounts for 17.7% of Cameroon’s electricity generation, at 1391.98 MW; hydro (55.8%) and fuel oil / diesel (26.5%) being the other sources. Solar’s contribution remains close to zero. 



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